
Archive for February 26, 2013

collecting primary sources

February 26, 2013 Leave a comment

I collected a range of pictures from the acting we did to prepare to form our lobby card. I took a variety of images of the props and the costumes to help prepare this and key elements of our film to engage the target audience a great amount to for fill the purpose of this. i then took pictures of the landscape of the film and changed elements of this to blend in with the theme of tis lobby card.

After taking these images I think could be very useful for designing my lobby card. The images are key within the film and I will edit this photographic imagery on the Photoshop software to blend this in nicely with the lobby card itself to engage the target market audience in an effective manner.  Also the range of the close up images and camera angle used as well as the plan shots makes it a great deal engaging and this great difference will enable me to blend these in an effective manner for the target market audience and edit these further.

I also took a verity of shots of the props me and my group made to help making the film itself and I could use the close-ups of the robot to enable me to form the lobby card for the movie. I could also change the lighting and the saturation used within the images to make this look more dramatic and engaging for the target market audience.  Also by taking this at a verity of different angles will enable me to experiment this image in a variety of ways and use graphical elements to help me to do this in the future stages of my design. I could use this within the background of the design whilst incorporating the use of te robot to help people recognise the film visually to ensure this is a great deal suitable for the younger generation. By using the camera will enable me to convey the range of skills used within my design work to help visually convey the films message. By using the blurred effect within the photographical imagery and zooming in to the end of the corridor enhances the sci-fi effective feel focusing on the door allowing people to guess whats going to appear leaving the substention within the design visually. I also took a picture of the robot we designed and made for the film. This will enable our film to come alive in an old-fashioned form to reflect the 1950’s style within the design visually.






I then traced these top 3 images to adapt these to make them my own. By doing this will enable me to make these original and to experiment in a great range of resources and see what works well when designing my lobby card and see if I could combine sketches with graphical elements created electronic for the target market audience. Overall i think by doingg this process was a great deal successful and enabled me to improve on many techniques to help produce a final product that conveys the film. Once i designed this by hand I used the Photoshop software and many elements within the  base of this. For example: the curve tool (this enabled me to adapt and develop the colorization within the imagery as a whole and make this suitable for the target market audience), magic wand tool (this enabled me to delete elements within the poster design as a whole to make this blend in an effective complex manner conveying this in an effective form) and many more elements to ensure this is suitable and effective illustrative through the use of symbolic, typographic and graphical imagery. After looking back through my previous research i chose to stick with the cartoon theme and will enable me to import this in to my final design to fit in with the sci-fi theme and genre of the film. however to enable this to look a great deal more professional i could have used the illustrator software to convey a 3d modernised visual feel within the base of this design. This will also enable people to recognise this person thus enabling them to more likely watch the film. After looking at the target market audience I think conveying this in such a manner is more appealing to the younger generation thus not for filling the purpose for the film. I will now adapt this regarding these improvements and incorporate this within my design by using Photoshop blending options to convey a professional feel to the base of the design. I could now incorporate this in to my 2nd poster design and convey this film in a cartoon format to take a different visual way within this work. I think this process went a great deal well but could be improved to make these for efficient and effective for the target market audience. I then colorized these on the Photoshop software to make this suitable for the target market audience. this will then enable me to process and build the final lobby card for our movie.

robot for media


I then traced the main body of the robot. to enable me to do this i collected a photographic imagery of this and printed this out to develop this as my own imagery suitable for the main base of the lobby card for the target market audience. once I completed this I scanned this into the Photoshop software to enable me to develop and add graphical elements suitable for the target market audience. I used many elements within this software to including: the colour replacement tool for the main base of the robot and the colour range tool to enable me to add an outline to this.


me tracing
I then took a picture of my self from a clip within our movie as a whole and cartoon’s this imagery to make this suitable as a whole for the main body of the lobby card. I used graphical elements within the Photoshop software to enable me to do this and make this in an effective manner suitable for the b movie style as a whole. I think by doing this will enable me to show a variety of skills throughout this piece of graphical art work to convey in an effective manner the movie. Furthermore my taking this throughout the use of photographical imagery will allow my design work to be a great deal; unique and effective for the film. I will now start to consider how io could use this within my own design to help enhance the message visually.

Categories: B-Movie