
Archive for February 14, 2013

Scene 1 and 2 filmed

February 14, 2013 Leave a comment

We first started to film the second scene in our movie worth 30 seconds long overall. It went ok and we gather the props, which would enable us to do this. We started to film the professor scene gathering and setting up in a science lab to enable this to look realistic for our b movie. We then started to film this scene in a range of different angles using 2 cameras to enable us to do this. After looking at the previous angles shown to use we worked out how we could use a great deal of these in our movie.

We then did test shots containing a range of camera angles throughout the school. We did a tracking shot to experiment with this to enable this to be and look professional in our final b movie. This went really successful and hopefully will work well in our movie.

We then began to form the first screen of our b movie. This is where there is the 1st sighting of the rock. We filmed this outside on the school field and began to make this realistic for the target market audience. We used the form of the sand pit and dug a hole in this to make this look like this fell from the sky. This scene is only a minuet long but very effective for the target market audience. Once we completed the whole of this scene for the B movie we came back and started to edit this and merge this in to the scene we previously filmed to make this realistic for the target market audience. We then used camera angles such as a birds eye view and worms eye view to help making this look more effective for the target market audience.

Categories: B-Movie