
tracing for media

Step one:

I found a picture suitable to convey what b movies are all about through the use of imagery and graph elements for the target market audience. . I shaded elements of this drawing to make this effective for the stages further throughout. This will enable me to add a variety of effects to this to me this suitable and professional for the target market audience. I used a light box to help me trace this drawing and graphical feature to get the features on this piece in the right places.

step 2

Step 2:

I then scanned this image into the computer to edit this on the Photoshop software on the computer to make this effective for the target market. 1st added the skin effect on the base of the image. I did this by seeing the color range select color to make this blend in with the shading base on the design to give this 3D effect to the design. I used a range of skin tone colors to make this realistic for the target market audience. I think by doing this will enable me to bring across the message in a visually expressive manner for the target market audience.

step 3

Step 3

I then added a hair color to the design. I found a base color on Photoshop by using the form I used in the previous steps but didn’t use a range of colors like I did for the skin tones. If I was to redesign this I would use a range of brown tones to make this realistic for the target market and in a 3D form of manner to make this stand out from the background.

step 4

Step 4:

To finish off this design for my lobby and illustration I used a dark green color to suit the main body of the design. I blended this color in with the shading with the main body of the design. This makes it really realistic for the purpose of this design. The shading within this makes this suitable for the 3D movie lobby card design containing the use of a minimum block colors to make a great amount of effect for the target market audience.

Overall I think this design is very effective for my films lobby card. it represents and summarizes in a very well form of way through the use of imagery and graphical elements what b movies are all about and how through the use of Photoshop and graphical elements i could convey this. The use of the different skin tones within this imagery makes this suitable and effective for the target market audience. If I was to do this again I would use a more dramatic form of imagery to sum up a b movie and how horror is produced through this. I would also change the form of the color scheme to make this in a 3D form of manner and attractive for the target market audience. If I was to redesign this I would have outlined this to ensure this conveys a bold professional feel visually within the design to engage the younger generation. I could have also used the illustrator software to enhance a 3D feel within the illustration to add a modernised depth in to the design. I think by doing this by hand will enable my design work to be unique and original and enable me to consider how symbolic imagery can help symbolise the film.  I think by doing this process was a great deal successful and enabled me to improve on many techniques to help produce a final product that conveys the film. once I designed this by hand I used the photoshop software and many elements within the base of this. For example: the curve tool (this enabled me to adapt and develop the colorization within the imagery as a whole and make this suitable for the target market audience), magic wand tool (this enabled me to delete elements within the poster design as a whole to make this blend in an effective complex manner conveying this in an effective form) and many more elements to ensure this is suitable and effective illustrative through the use of symbolic, typographic and graphical imagery. After looking back through my previous research I chose to stick with the cartoon theme and will enable me to import this in to my final design to fit in with the sci-fi theme and genre of the film. however to enable this to look a great deal more professional i could have used the illustrator software to convey a 3D modernised visual feel within the base of this design. This will also enable people to recognise this person thus enabling them to more likely watch the film. After looking at the target market audience I think conveying this in such a manner is more appealing to the younger generation thus not for filling the purpose for the film. I will now adapt this regarding these improvements and incorporate this within my design by using Photoshop blending options to convey a professional feel to the base of the design.

Categories: Lobby card- B movies
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